Sunday, October 14, 2012

Get to know me

  1. Is it cute when guys kiss you on your forehead? Of course! It's super sweet but I'd prefer my cheeks.
  2. A big poofy dress or a short party dress? I like short cocktail dresses, there's nothing sexier than a sexy dress with gorgeous hair and makeup.
  3. Are diamonds a girl's best friend?I'm not really into materialistic things that much, so No.
  4. Is your hair up or down today? Down - I only wear my hair up, when I'm "hobo-ing" out
  5. Do you straighten your hair? Yes, I try to do it once or twice a week at max. Checkout for my tips and tricks on avoiding some damage.
  6. Favorite mascara? L'Oreal Volumionous Mascara or L'oreal Fiber lash
  7. Do you get your nails done? No! I'm not really a nail person, I've been biting since I was 5 and everytime I ditch the habit, it only lasts till my nail cracks. Besides I prefer to do my own nails, makeup, hair and more.
  8. Small or large purses? LARGE!
  9. Jeans or sweats? I LOVE baggy pants and Yoga Pants.
  10. Do you wear clothes/shoes/jewelry that's uncomfortable? If I'm not comfortable, I wouldn't buy it. I only wear it on a special occasion.
  11. Do you text message a lot? Sure, but I like phone calls better.
  12. Whats your favorite color? Yellow
  13. Heels or flats? Flats! I'm too tall for heels.
  14. Would you ever leave the house without makeup on? Sometimes. I absolutely LOVE makeup, but I think its a good idea to let your skin breathe a bit. I don't wear makeup when im just going out for 10-20 minutes, or to the gym.
  15. Walmart or Target? Walmart, Target's opening in Canada soon!
  16. Do you think lip gloss is the best!?I don't wear Lip Gloss but NYX MATTE LIP CREAM ROCK!
  17. Do you own any big sunglasses? Aviators all the way!
  18. How long does it take you to get ready in the morning? It depends what I have to dry my hair and stuff then a good 2 hours, but if I'm just doing my makeup and a quick shower than about 30 minutes.
  19. Gold or silver? GOLD!!!!! I rarely wear silver, except for silver hoops
  20. Do you like to wear dresses? I prefer Shorts or Rompers
  21. In the last week have you hung out with a guy? I have a lot of guy friends so Yeah and my Boyfriend ofcourse
  22. Do you like to hold hands? Yeah, that's cute.
  23. What do you notice when you first meet a guy? Eyes, Smile and the way he approaches or reacts to others.
  24. Do you like making eye contact? It gets awkward if someone's staring straight at me for more than 30 seconds, so no!
  25. Would you kill for chocolate? No
  26. On a scale from 1-10 how fun is shopping? 5 for In Store shopping and 10 for Online Shopping
  27. Do you wear sweatpants/pajamas to school/work? YES at least twice a week
  28. Have you ever dressed unlike yourself to impress a guy? Not really, but I've "covered up" more for an ex.
  29. What makeup could you not live without? Red Lips and some Bronzer
  30. Do you fall in love easily? If the person is my type then yeah
  31. Do you have cramps? Occasionally.
  32. Do you think you have the bestest friend ever? Yes!
  33. Your favorite Genre of Movies? Horror/Thriller
  34. Favorite Hair styling tool? Curling Iron
  35. Favorite Store? Forever21/Urban Behaviour
  36. Bronzer or Blush? Blush
  37. Contour or Highlight?  Highlight
  38. Black or white? Black
  39. Coke or Juice? Coke
  40. Burger or Pizza? Burger
  41. Cake or Cookies? Cake
  42. Tropical Destination or Historical? Tropical Destination - BAHAMAS (dream)
  43. Animals or Monster movies? Scary Animal movies
  44. Day or Night? Night
  45. Vodka or Rum? I Like both, but Flavored Vodka (Absolut Apeach)
  46. Spicy or Mild? SPICY!!!!!
  47. Seafood or Red Meat? Sea Food
  48. Famous or Rich? Rich- but UNKNOWN
  49. Twitter or Facebook? Facebook
  50. Magazine or Websites? Websites- SAVE SOME TREES 
  51. Eye Color: Greyish with hints of Green
  52. Iphone/BB/Android: Iphone
  53. Blair Waldorf or Serena Vander Woodsen: Blair Waldorf - She's the perfect evil and sweet
  54. Bar or Clubs:  CLUBS!!!!! 
  55. Zombies or Vampires: Absolutely ZOMBIES..I've never been interested in Vampires

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